Sunday, 26 April 2009

For once a serious post! The RSPCA is suggesting a change to the law governing dangerous dogs. Rather than breed specific legislation, the RSPCA is proposing a change to the law, so that dog owners rather than dogs are targeted. There are very few bad dogs, but there are a lot of bad owners. I would go one step further and suggest that in order to own certain more demanding breeds, that you should have to pass a handler competency test. Dogs are social animals, with serious attacks on their own 'pack' being rare; if you think about it, the evolutionary benefits of pack behaviour are based on group rather than individual survival. Dogs normally only show true aggression to those that they perceive as being members of an out group, or those that they perceive to be hierarchically below them in the pack. Both of these factors can be controlled by a combination of good early socialisation and firm consistent handling by the owners. As they say in America - Ban the deed not the breed.

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